Author: AP

More Wrathion in Warcraft

Well, the people have spoken. And by people I mean the higher ups at Blizzard Entertainment who sign my checks.

Wrapped up another FABULOUS session with the marvelous team at Blizzard for the newest patch for Mists of Pandaria in World of Warcraft.

Big stuff coming, guys. Keep it tuned to channel to stay informed.

The Cooners are coming!

It’s already screened at the first annual Love Fest in Brooklyn, NY. Cooners is an epic tale of one man’s search for love. Starring Aaron Phillips and Racine Russell. Keep your eyes peeled for the next showing!

Disney in your face!

Happy to announce that Disney In Concert has added two new dates to the roster for this summer. Look for us in Myrtle Beach and then making a triumphant return to the San Francisco area in late July! Woo-hoo!

Disney In Concert in Kitchener-Waterloo

I mean, let’s face it, Kitchener-Waterloo is just fun to say. Say it. Sayyyy iiiiiiit…

Now, if you happen to be in the Toronto/Kitchener-Waterloo area of Canada, you should definitely come out to the show! Disney In Concert will be making its way out to that great maple in the sky to rock some Disney tunes in your face place!

Lending Tree VO

Aaron just wrapped up a voice over project for Lending Tree. Chances are you’ll only hear it at the trade shows, but if you’re walking around at one of those things and see their table…stop on by to hear AP!

Capital One on the Radio

Keep your ears open on the radio airwaves for the voice of Mr. Aaron Phillips in a spot for Capital One!

If it’s a barber talking to one of his regular customers. Aaron *is* that customer!

A Night at the Oscars with the Winston-Salem Symphony

Aaron just wrapped up an awesome show MC’ing for the Winston-Salem Symphony in North Carolina.

But let’s face it…anybody looks good in a tux.

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